In the Prison

In the Prison

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thank you for your prayers and support

Dear Friends and Fellow Parishioners,
Last year at this time, you generously offered to pray for women who were entering into the latter stages of the Rite of Christian Initiation in a prison that I visit weekly. Many of you followed and read the blog that I wrote about their journey. 

Sponsor AB.


      Two of these women are now out of prison. I recently heard from AB and RS. Both are doing well and have found jobs. They are holding strong to their faith and attending Mass regularly. As you may recall AB was the sponsor for RS.

Confirmee RS.

RS returned to her home on a reservation in Arizona. She says that she will never forget the experience of receiving confirmation and knowing how much all you supported her. She sends her thanks.

This year we have three more women who are preparing for confirmation. Two of the women have never had any kind of Catholic religious education.  I will refer to them as EL and CG. The other is AR, who was brought up Catholic and has received her first communion.  These women along with their sponsors, TS and LC have completed 15 classes so far.  TS was baptized last year and LC has been a faithful "parishioner" of our weekly gathering since 2008.

I plan to update the blog every couple of weeks.
Thank you for your many prayers for these ladies as we begin again and may God bless you.